Anna Maria Nardi

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We collaborate with some agencies in China and Hong Kong. We have set up partnerships specifically for the realization of weddings in Italy. We receive various requests from Asian couples who want to get married here in Italy. They mostly marry in a civil ceremony in Rome , Venice or Florence but these are symbolic or civil ceremonies.- 30 guests maximum – because the real interest of the spouses is the honeymoon tour among the most beautiful cities of the Peninsula.The Anna Maria team is busy, everything must be perfect, let’s start with the makeup test, for Chinese brides the trick is important.

Romanticism, emotion and beauty

And if tradition dominates the banquet (“in the dishes almost always the local flavors of the place where you get married”), the customization of the ceremony is the most modern element on which turns the work of the professionals of the dream of love . Today, instead, the future spouses rely on the professionalism of the wedding planner precisely because they want to focus on a theme dear to them. It happened to us with a Chinese couple that the party was conceived in a village with olive groves, where the central theme was “the olive trees”, which “marriage nowadays must absolutely represent the couple and their dreams.

Exit the Cliché !

The future spouses “ask us for an all-round help, also because they want to save time and gain. From the location to the flowers, from the design to the entertainment for the ceremony, from the dress of the bride and groom, sometimes they rent it, the make-up to the hairstyle , we create a turnkey marriage.

The countryside trend is increasing “In the setting up of a farmhouse in a small village with a small church, the color offered by natural beauty is played a lot, the flowers are seasonal and colorful. The elegance of white elements in characterization if the reception takes place in some villa or in the countryside just outside Rome.
